healthy Cat

10 tips to keep your Cat happy & healthy

All Cats know that their owners have one main goal in life – to keep their Puss happy. But what does it take to keep a feline friend happy and healthy? Below are 10 things every Cat wants its owner to know.

Happy Cat

1. A happy Cat is a tired Cat.

Your Cat wants you to play with it as much as you can and to leave out Cat toys when you are not around. Cats are curious animals and, when living indoors, they benefit from additional stimulation. Carefully hidden toys encourage them to utilize their hunting instincts. There are plenty of options – from everyday items such as paper bags, simple Cat toys or something more intricate such as ice cubes with frozen Cat treats inside, special toys, or puzzles that mentally stimulate your pet.

2. Increase vertical territory and set up hiding places


Being natural climbers, Cats like to pursue prey and seek high places such as trees when frightened so the more vertical space can be dedicated to your Cat’s needs, the happier it will be. It also asked us to tell you that hiding nooks reduce stress so set some up for your Cat. You could use high-sided beds, boxes, paper bags and many other items you find around the house. If your feline friend is shy or fearful, ensure that these spots are located in social hubs of your home so that the Kitty can stay in the room without feeling exposed.

3. A well fed Cat is a happy Cat


Cats like consistency so it’s a good idea to create a feeding schedule – two meals a day, 8-12 hours apart, as a general rule. You should consult your vet about the exact amount of food suitable for your pet. Also, remember that some foods that people eat – onion, garlic, raisins, nuts, chocolate – are bad for our feline friends. It’s best not to leave food sitting out all day as that invites your Cat to eat as much as they can which could make them gain too much weight. Place the bowl in a location that feels secure and peaceful to your Cat during mealtime and keep in mind that Cats don’t like to have their whiskers squished so make sure that the bowl is wide enough.

4. Make sure your Cat has access to fresh water 24/7.


Cats like a little distance between food and water so place the water bowl further from the food. Keep the water bowl clean and fill it with fresh water every day. If possible, it’s a good idea to set up multiple water stations around the house.

5. Don’t unnecessarily declaw your Cat.


If you’re considering declawing your Cat just so it doesn’t scratch your furniture, your pet is pleading with you to reconsider. Declawing is a procedure much worse than a simple mani-pedi and increases the risk of behavioural issues such as not using the litter box and biting. Should your Cat get out, they’ll also be at a disadvantage if they are declawed.

healthy Cat

6. Understand your Cat’s need to scratch.


Scratching is a natural process that helps your Cat to loosen and remove the outer husk of the claw, exercise the muscles and mark territory. To protect your furniture and carpets, set up scratching posts around the house. If you want to understand scratching better and get some ideas about what can be done about it, read this article.

7. Keep the litter away from the feeding post and clean it regularly


Cats are a lot like humans in this respect – none of us want to eat where we use the bathroom. Keep in mind that felines don’t like to use dirty litter boxes so if leaving it unchanged for too long, you’ll run the risk of your Kitty going elsewhere and you probably don’t want that. Remember to pay attention while scooping – it can help you notice when something is wrong with your Puss.

8. Spay and neuter


As long as Cats are driven by hormones, they can try to escape outside in order to find a mate. Spaying and neutering eliminates this added stress on your Cat and minimizes the allure of the outdoors. It’s a win-win.

9. Grooming keeps your Cat happy


Grooming is a fun and pleasurable experience for your Cat – it feels like a massage. What’s more, it’s also beneficial for Cat owners because it does a great job taking care of the fur and preventing hairballs. Another win-win.

groom a Cat

10. Be consistent and predictable


It’s not always possible to predict changes and that’s okay but it will be less stressful if you help your Cat through them. Try to be consistent with the feedings, litter box change and playtime. Cats take comfort in familiarity and respond well to a predictable schedule.


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